I have to confess that until I joined the zeroheight team, I hadn't worked with Style Dictionary before. I was aware of it, but not 100% of what you use it for and how it works.

Style Dictionary
Export your Design Tokens to any platform. iOS, Android, CSS, JS, HTML, sketch files, style documentation, or anything you can think of. Forward-compatible with Design Token Community Group spec.

Lately I've been doing research into Style Dictionary itself, the Design Tokens standard proposed by the W3C Design Tokens Community Group. Here's what I've learned so far:

I guess if I were assembling a set of tokens for my design system from scratch now, I'd probably go with the DTCG Spec. I'd rather bet on an open specification than one owned by a company that ultimately can do what it wants or could drop support with a Thanos snap (which certainly happened a few times).

Home | Design Tokens Community Group
The DTCG’s goal is to provide standards upon which products and design tools can rely for sharing stylistic pieces of a design system at scale.

Then again, Style Dictionary isn't hugely different, and they even provide a tool to format it into DTCG Spec.